At Bershka Online Store, we are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with every purchase. If you are not completely satisfied, we offer a hassle-free 30-day return policy.
You may return any item within 30 days of receiving it, no questions asked. We cover all return shipping costs, allowing you to return items without additional expenses.
Please ensure that returned items are in resellable condition. Items must be free of significant or irreversible damage, such as scratches, tears, or signs of misuse. Products showing excessive wear or irreparable damage may not be eligible for a refund.
Certain items are excluded from our return policy. If a product is non-returnable, it will be clearly indicated on the product page.
You can initiate a return in one of the following ways:
Contact Us: Reach out to us via phone at +1 917-966-9843 or email at [[email protected]]. Our team will provide you with further instructions.
Direct Return: Alternatively, you may return the product directly. Please include the tracking number and notify us via phone or email to ensure efficient processing.
Once we receive and inspect the returned item, we will process your refund within 1-2 business days. Refunds are issued to the original payment method. Depending on your payment provider, it may take up to one additional day for the funds to appear in your account.
After your refund is processed, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not see the refunded amount in your account within the expected timeframe, please contact us, and we’ll be happy to assist.
For any questions regarding our return or refund process, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team at [[email protected]].
Thank you for choosing Bershka Online Store. We’re here to make your shopping experience safe and satisfying!